A website? Why?
Well, good question. In the age of social media, why have a self-hosted website? For me, it boils down to thow reasons: ease of acess and owning your "content".
Firstly, what do you mean about owning your content? Well, hear me out. When you have a website, you can do pretty much whatever you want. As long as it's legal, that is (and even then, it depends but let's not get yet into that). So there's no fear of "deplatforming", of some arbitrary entity deleting what you made or censoring you. Of course, this means there a bigger responsability on you to censor yourself and act decently. More so just like in real life than on 4chan or Reddit (Or twitter or Instaram or [insert relevant platform name]).
A website is a place where you decide everything: how it looks, how it feels, how people interact and experience your thougths. It's the most personal presentation you can have online, as you can express your personality best here. You own everything you put on it, so it's yours. No one can use it without your permission (theoretically) and you have full creative controll over it (sounds neat, doesn't it?).
A webiste is also a great place to aggregate your stuff, which brings me to my next point: what this is.